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Opaline Glass Vase with Hand-Painted Floral Motifs and Gilding


Material: Opaline glass vase featuring delicate hand-painted floral patterns and additional gilding.

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Material: Opaline glass vase featuring delicate hand-painted floral patterns and additional gilding.

Origin: Likely Bohemian (Bohemia) glass, dating from the 19th to the early 20th century. Dimensions: The vase stands at 30 cm with a diameter of 8 cm.
Condition: The vase is in very good condition, showcasing signs of previous use. There is occasional wear to the gilding, adding character to the piece.
Additional Information: The opaline glass, known for its milky and translucent appearance, adds elegance to the vase.
The hand-painted floral motifs and gilding reflect the artistic craftsmanship of the Bohemian glassmakers.
This opaline glass vase, likely of Bohemian origin, is a beautiful representation of the glassmaking craftsmanship prevalent in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The hand-painted floral designs and gilding make it a captivating decorative piece.