Complaint and return

Return of goods / Unilateral termination of the sales contract

According to the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 41/14, 110/15), the Buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the sales contract if it was concluded at a distance, i.e. outside the business premises of the business entity (purchase via the Internet or telephone).

The deadline for unilateral termination of the contract is 14 days from the signed confirmation of receipt of the goods.

If the Buyer decides to terminate the distance sales contract, it may do so without giving any reason by notifying the seller unequivocally and before the expiration of the term of the termination of the sales contract. Purchased goods must be returned no later than 14 days after receiving them.

Unilateral termination of the sales contract is carried out using the form for unilateral termination of the sales contract in one of the following ways:

  • the completed form together with the goods can be brought to the retail store STORIA ANTIQUA j.d.o.o. Vladimira Švalba Street 61a, Rovinj,
  • send by mail to the address: STORIA ANTIQUA j.d.o.o. Vladimira Švalba Street 61a, Rovinj,
  • by e-mail to the address:

Download form for unilateral termination of the Agreement

The notice of termination of the sales contract must contain the following items:

  • Invoice number (which was received with the goods)
  • Name and surname
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • An unequivocal statement on the termination of the Distance Agreement (according to the attached form)

If the Buyer unilaterally terminates the sales contract, he is obliged to deliver the purchased products to the seller at his own expense in one of the following ways:

  • personally brought to retail by STORIA ANTIQUA j.d.o.o. Vladimira Švalba Street 61a, Rovinj,
  • send to the address: STORIA ANTIQUA j.d.o.o. Vladimira Švalba Street 61a, Rovinj,
  • The goods must be returned without delay, but no later than within 14 days of receiving them.

The customer is responsible for the reduction in the value of goods that have been used (or damaged by the customer).

If the Buyer unilaterally terminates the Agreement, the Seller (STORIA ANTIQUA) will return the money received, including costs to the Buyer (no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the decision on unilateral termination of the agreement and returned goods).

The refund will be made by payment to the Customer's bank account. The refund will be made after the goods are returned or the Buyer sends proof that he sent the goods to the seller's address.

Costs of returning goods

The buyer bears the direct costs of returning the goods.

Complaint of goods damaged in transport

Complaints about shipments damaged during transport to the specified address must be reported to the seller STORIA ANTIQUA j.d.o.o. within 5 days of receiving the shipment. od 5 dana od preuzimanja pošiljke.
It is necessary to send photos of the damaged product to the e-mail and a short description of the damage and the invoice number attached to the goods.

It is necessary to inspect the external damage when picking up the shipment because with your signature you confirm that you received the load from the courier in undamaged packaging.